You can support your community by donating time, money, or services. How do you decide which to support and in what manner? With so many organizations in need, it can feel daunting to meet the endless demand for resources. It reminds me of putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

When you pour the pieces out of the box, it seems overwhelming. It would be easy to be overcome by the number of pieces and think- there’s no way I can complete this. There are too many pieces. I don’t even know where to start. When I introduce puzzles to my children, I calmly walk them through the process of how to begin. First, we turn over all of the pieces. Once we can see the parts, we can follow our instincts. Some people look for the corners and edges to assemble the frame. Others look for patterns or pictures to put together first and work in little segments until they can connect those images. Some people focus on the shapes of the pieces rather than the picture and assemble them that way. All of these are viable options. There is no one way to build a puzzle. You must start to complete the puzzle. And once you finish, that sense of accomplishment you get from viewing the final product is worth the time and effort you invested.
We can support organizations with a similar approach. Pick one or several and ask what they need and how you can help. You can also assess how you can help and find organizations that need what you have to offer. Since 2008, Gulf Coast Bank has supported numerous nonprofit organizations through their annual Auctions in August campaign. Businesses, individuals, and organizations can donate an item, product, or service to raise money for a nonprofit. This year, I selected three organizations to support.

Crown Me was established out of necessity to help improve the futures of our women and girls. Our goal, purpose, and mission is to rectify the miseducation and misguidance that our Queens are facing today in order to eradicate unhealthy relationships while building healthy families. We are educating women and girls in order to prevent toxic relationships, retrain toxic upbringings, and create emotionally healthy women that thrive in our societies. Our team goes out into our community and communities across the World to educate our Queens. Support Crown Me by bidding on the Women's Retreat.
Junior League of New Orleans Scholarship Fund -JLNO launched a Scholarship Opportunity in 2017 to help women obtain degrees or certificates necessary for joining the workforce or for advancement within their careers. The Scholarship Opportunity is geared towards non-traditional* female students looking to begin post-secondary programs or needing the support to help complete the final term of their programs. Helping to alleviate educational financial burden allows JLNO Scholars the opportunity for economic success and independence. Support JLNO by bidding on a Self-care Kit Bundle here.
Women's Leadership Academy -The Women's Leadership Academy (WLA) at Loyola University New Orleans is designed to enable leaders in the region to achieve their greatest professional potential through leadership training, personal development, and one-on-one mentorships. WLA consists of eleven (11) on-campus sessions, including keynote speakers, micro learning seminars, case studies, and an individual leadership strategy. Each participant has the opportunity to grow and network with thought leaders in the region. The inaugural Women's Leadership Academy launched April 16, 2019. Support WLA by bidding on a Self-Care Kit Bundle here.

Each bundle includes four:
Self-care box
Hard cover journal and pen
Paperback journal for a gift
Nola Homeschoolers Cookbook
Thank You card
Self-Compassion card
Surprise gift
What a wonderful way to show up for your community AND win a great gift!